Eating well and nourishing your hormones through the holidays doesn’t have to be a struggle! Creating balance with your nutrition will help to keep you on track, even as you enjoy some of your favorite holiday dishes.

Planning your groceries and prepping your meals ahead of time will set you up for success — especially during this busy holiday season! Avoid the need to reach for a sugary treat or chips by keeping healthy snacks close at hand. Prep your meals and take them with you to work or school, and you’ll be feeling energized and satisfied all season long!
- Plan — Decide which recipes you’re going to make and plan groceries accordingly. Pick your lightest day of the week and take 1-2 hours to meal prep. Be realistic with yourself on how much time you have to meal prep so that you can avoid feeling overwhelmed.
- Prep Produce — Don’t wait! As soon as you bring your groceries home, try to wash, chop and pack fruits and veggies into containers for quick snacks and faster recipe prep.
- Batch Cook — Whatever you’re cooking, double the recipe and make extra to keep in the fridge for use later in the week, or freeze leftovers in a freezer-safe bag/container to pull out on a busy weeknight.
- Show Yourself Grace — If you don’t have time for a huge meal prep, look for ways you can cut corners and still eat well (frozen veggies, clean pre-made soups, quick salads, pre-cut fruit, rotisserie chicken — think clean and green!
- Stress Less — When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a few moments to think of all the things that you’re grateful for this holiday season!
- Eat a clean and nutrient-dense breakfast the morning of the party — Try a veggie egg scramble with fresh spinach, bell peppers and avocado.
- Load up on veggies + clean protein + a healthy fat about an hour before the party — Try a big salad with baked chicken and a healthy dressing.
- Prepping for parties can make us forget to eat — Don’t let your blood sugar drop! This is where those healthy snacks you meal prepped ahead of time will come in handy.
- Drink plenty of water prior to the party. Keep a water bottle with you while grocery shopping or party planning, and keep sipping that water all day long — Staying hydrated is key!
- Get moving! Even if it’s just 10 minutes of cardio, or a brisk walk, staying active will help to keep your metabolism going.
- Get plenty of sleep and try to stick to a nighttime routine as much as possible — unplug and give thanks!
- Take advantage of the veggie tray (go light on the dip thought!).
- Bring your own healthy dish to pass so you know you have something you can eat.
- Take digestive enzymes mid-meal to help your stomach digest your protein and avoid acid reflux.
- Drink water between alcoholic drinks and avoid sugary mixes and beer. Stick to no more than 1-2 drinks and don’t drink on an empty stomach.
- Eat as clean as you can, and pick and choose which foods you truly want to indulge in, and enjoy them!
- Recognize when you’re feeling full. It’s easy to want to keep going back for more.
Getting right back into your nutrition routine is key to staying on track and maintaining everything you’ve been working so hard for! Don’t wait until Monday or after the holidays — there will always be excuses! Know that one not-so-healthy meal or day is not going to make or break your progress.
- Avoid dairy, fried foods and sugar right after a holiday party
- Focus on consuming plenty of fresh fruits and veggies (think green smoothies and fresh salads!)
- Add some clean proteins and small amounts of healthy fats to your meals
- Drink fresh water with lemon – stay hydrated!
- Keep your portion sizes in check — give your digestive system a break!
- Ginger tea can be helpful with digestive upset — Go for organic and unsweetened!
- Light movement, walking, yoga etc — don’t go for a run if you’re having digestive upset
- Make sure you are staying consistent in taking your multi-vitamin and probiotic to help support your gut and keep your nutrient levels up.
- Get plenty of rest and get back on track with your bedtime routine
Wishing you peace, blessings and happy hormones this holiday season!
Cheers! — Spencer
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