Did you know that your body requires different nutrients during each phase of your monthly cycle?
The first step in supporting hormone balance is learning about your 28-day hormone cycle. Once you understand what happens in your body during each phase of your cycle, you can better understand how to nourish and support your hormones.
So, what are the 4 phases of your monthly cycle?
- The menstrual phase
- The follicular phase
- The ovulatory phase
- The luteal phase

The ovulatory phase of your cycle occurs the 3-5 days after your follicular phase ends and before the luteal phase.
- Estrogen levels reach their peak during this phase, followed by a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) which stimulates the follicle to mature and be released into the fallopian tubes.
- The lining of the uterus gets thicker in preparation for the egg (if the egg is not fertilized it will be flushed out during the menstrual phase).
- Testosterone surges and then rapidly declines, spiking libido and then leveling out once ovulation occurs.
- Metabolism is slower during this time, so less carbohydrates on needed during this time.
- You may notice you feel more social and communicative during this phase.
When I’m working with my clients, the first place I always start is with nutrition. Nutrition is the foundation that we build upon and no supplement or self care routine is going to work without it! Below is a list of my top food recommendations to help nourish your body through the ovulatory phase of your cycle.
For women in their reproductive years, the key to optimal health and balanced hormones is to eat, move and supplement in ways that support each phase of their cycle. Nourishing your body with the right foods during the ovulatory phase will help your body create the healthiest egg possible.
- Fiber-rich fresh raw fruits and veggies — This is the best time of month to opt for delicious salads and smoothies that provide fiber and create a cooling affect on the body. During this phase, estrogen is at its peak and can cause issues such as acne and bloating if not flushed out properly. Fiber and antioxidants from these foods will help your liver metabolize the excess estrogen more efficiently.
- Seafood — Think salmon, shrimp and tuna.
- Light grains — Think quinoa and amaranth
Brighten, J., 2019. Beyond the pill. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Murray, M. and Pizzorno, J., 2012. The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Atria Books.
Vitti, A., 2020. In the FLO. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
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